Personal & Compassionate Service

A pet is more than just a member of your family. They are a companion that offers their love unconditionally. Although they are only with us for a fraction of our lives, we care for them, watch them grow and love them. It’s incredible the amount of joy and happiness they bring us in such a short amount of time.
We understand that the loss of a pet is something most families don’t plan ahead for; so, to lessen the burden of your loss, we offer affordable pet cremation costs.

Like any loved one, eventually, your pet's time with you and your family comes to end. But just like any member of our family, we honor them with a service to say goodbye and pay tribute to them. 

The pain of losing a pet can be intense and heartbreaking. At Highlands Funeral Home, we offer your pet loss services to honor your pet and the loss you've experienced.

 What to do upon the passing of your pet: 

Contact us at (502) 451-4420 and we will guide you through the next steps of bringing your pet into our care at the funeral home, including:
  • Arranging the day & time to bring your pet to the funeral home 
  • Bringing your pet to us in a container (a box or bed) along with a blanket or towel
  • * We do not offer pet transport services from their location to the funeral home. If your pet passes away in the evening or overnight, arrangements can be made for you to bring them into our care the next day when our staff arrives for normal business hours (9:00 a.m.).

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